Driving improved payment accuracy
The hospital price transparency paradox
Payers lack critical payment intelligence
Specialty drug approvals and prices continue to skyrocket
Driving transformation with the right foundational approach and the right platform
Rising utilization and costs of spinal cord stimulators
How manufacturers, insurers, providers, PBMs, and government are keeping us in the dark
$200M; $18 PE/PM: Why you should rethink your auto-adjudication strategy
Falsified medical records and misleading insurance companies helped contribute to the opioid crisis
Biotherapeutics have dominated healthcare headlines recently, with good reason
How a nationally recognized broker leveraged Predict Dx for underwriting support
How Predict Dx helped a major insurance group enhance case managers’ productivity
How a mid-sized MGU used Predict Dx to expand on their limited data to accurately assess upcoming costs
A Vice President explains how he leverages Predict Dx to effectively manage his business
How our TPA customer spots inappropriate drug use by using Predict Rx during PA pharmacy reviews
How our MGU customer leverages Predict Rx to increase the accuracy of their risk assessments
How a leading Third Party Administrator used Predict Ix to identify potential savings in a spinal fusion case